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SPM Light B-Net


This product is not available for purchase online. Please contact us for more information.

SPM’s Light (7cm mesh) B-Net is suitable for any level of competition, from U-8 to FIS competition.

With all the same characteristics of our Standard (5cm Mesh) B-Net the Light B-Net price will make your budget go further and the lighter weight will make your set-up easier & faster. Coupled with SPM’s Light B-Net Pole (ME 240), the entire system is 30% lighter than a “standard” set-up. The Light poles are more flexible making a “softer” impact for the skier and making them ideal for a first line net where a multiple line set-up is being used.

Save $$ When you order complete B-Net and Fence/Pole Packages.

Call for quantity pricing 5cm and 7cm Light B-Net packages and to learn how the Kelly Brush Foundation can help your non-profit club with safety grants.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Weight: 12 lbs

Dimensions: 44 × 21 × 4 in (L × W × H)

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