Shop » WCS Mountain Monsoon Raincoat
Our Mountain Monsoon Rain Coat from Lori Ford is the ultimate foul weather overcoat for coaches, athletes and race officials.
Lightweight and oversized, the Mountain Monsoon is constructed for a three layer laminated, waterproof breathable fabric and sealed with a three layer interior tape finish over all seams. Reach through slits offer easy access to primary jacket pockets. A simple snap system allows the length of the coat to be shortened from below the knee height to just below mid-thigh and a generous hood with an extended visor and tightening cord accommodates any helmet while keeping your face dry. The Mountain Monsoon Rain Coat is an affordable solution to make life a little more comfortable for the people who are out on the hill in the most challenging conditions. Sewn in the USA exclusively for WCS by Lori Ford.
WCS Exclusive
Sewn in the USA
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Weight: 1.75 lbs
Dimensions: 16.5 × 14 × 1.5 in (L × W × H)
Size: Small/Medium, Large/Extra Large, Extra Extra Large
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226 Industrial Drive
Bradford, VT 05033