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SPM PC 30/S Gate


This product is not available for purchase online. Please contact us for more information.

SPM 30mm PC 30/S Gates are a great choice for outside, non-turning gates in GS, Super-G and downhill courses when necessary.

The polycarbonate shaft increases safety in crash situations and enhances to the poles’ overall durability. These poles are also great for posting signs, banners, and flags or for elevating timing cables and wires.

SPM PC 30/S non-hinged gates feature a 30mm (1.2”) diameter shaft, a shaft cap, a slightly threaded 20cm (8”) stick-in base and are 221cm (87”) in total length.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Weight: 1.55 lbs

Dimensions: 90 × 1.25 × 1.25 in (L × W × H)

Bags from SPM contain 20 gates, all the same color

This product can ship via FedEx

Color: Red, Blue, Orange

  • Warranty:
    • 6 months for shaft
    • 2 years for base
  • Dimensions:
    • Shaft length: 226cm (89″)
    • Height over snow: 226cm (89″)
    • Diameter: 30mm
    • Weight: 1.6 lbs
    • Polycarbonate construction
    • Made in Italy
  • Non turning pole or outside gate for NorAm or World Cup Events where needed (high wind events.)
    • USSS and FIS preference is a hinged a gate even for non turning poles whenever possible in alpine skiing.
  • FIS ICR: 695 Colours
    “For Major Events (art. 201.3.1) and Cups (art. 201.3.2 and 201.3.3) different alternative colours for poles and panels may be used. Orange can be used instead of red at all FIS levels. Poles and panels should be the same colour.”
  • Non turning pole for Snowboard gates
  • Hydrant marker both on and off hill
  • Pole for marking discs, rope lines and other signage
  • Elevating timing wires
  • Recommend a 32mm for installation